Summer for kids means only one thing, it’s time to go to the beach. Cyprus holiday villas is a great place to take your family for vacation every year and get to spend as much time on the sand. Staying in one of our Oceanfront vacation homes will keep you and your family close to the beach. We have a few kid-friendly activities that are perfect for playing on the beach with the family below.

Tic-Tac-Toe Fun
Who doesn’t love a good classic game of tic-tac-toe with the kids? But this game is even more fun when played in the sand. All you need is a stick to help draw the squares in the sand and some seashells that the kids collected from the beach to use as the X & O. What a great game to play with the kids and have a friendly game with them. Think of how much fun they can have with learning how to play the game in the sand!
Build Sand Animals
Instead of building the perfect sandcastle build sand animals instead. What a great way to challenge your kids to build their favorite animal in the sand. What you will need to build these beautiful animals in the sand are a bucket, shovel and your kids’ imagination. You can always split into teams and see what family member has made the best sand animal together. What a great way to spend time with the family on the beach where everyone can be in on the action.

Musical Towels
Another great activity that can be played on the beach and with the whole family would be musical towels. Have a towel for each member of the family and lay the towels out on the beach in a circle. We also recommend that you bring a small radio or a smartphone with speakers so you can play musical towels. Play just as you would play musical chairs but only on the beach soaking up the sun!
Build a Sandman
Since snow is a rare sighting at the beach during the summer, it’s time to build a sandman instead. This is the kid’s version of a snowman but building out of the sand on the beach. Make sure that each child has a bucket and a shovel to help build their sandman. For the eyes and other features that you will find on a snowman you can find right there on the beach. Grab a few shells for the eyes, smile and buttons down the sandman. Find a piece of driftwood for the nose and hands. And finally, if you happen to find some seaweed, use that as the scarf on their sandman. Take a picture with each kid sitting or standing next to their creation and take a picture to help remember the fun they had.

Play Sand Skeeball
Have you ever gone to an arcade and played skeeball? This version is a little more fun and entertaining as you are playing in the sand with the kids. You will need to have a small ball that the kids can roll down the sand to go into the holes. Next you want to dig 10 holes into the sand that will be in the shape of a triangle and roll the ball down the “lane”. Be sure to assign each hole with a point value so that you can tally up who won.
There are many other fun kid-friendly activities that you can do on the beach, but these were a few to share with you. If you haven’t made reservations for your next beach getaway, check out what Oceanfront vacation homes are available. We can’t wait to see you and your family as you make new memories with the few kid-friendly activities listed above!
Via Holden-Beach